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List view
Leo avatar
Written by Leo
Updated over a week ago

Lists are simple and minimalist app views. They are great for information like notes, articles, and documents that do not need a lot of fields. Every row in a list is a record you can open with a single click and fill with content as desired.

Some words to app views in general πŸ‘‹ Tape apps allow you to store and display information in a dynamic way. You can keep your data in a list, table, or board layout. Moreover, you can add as many views to an app with your configuration as simple or complex as you like!

This article is for people who already know how to build a Tape app from scratch. If that is not the case for you, we strongly recommend you to read this article first.

The most important thing right at the beginning, an app view is just a different way of looking at the same data of an app. You can view identical records in an app in multiple ways. In other words, you can configure additional views that will take the same data you currently have stored and display it differently to give you another perspective. Every different perspective is what we call an app view. This article is all about using the list layout in views. Table and board layout articles are also available.


  1. Create a list

  2. Edit a list

  3. Using the view sidebar

  4. Records in list view

  5. Customize your list

  6. App view features

  7. Save your list

Create a list

A list can be added to an app to view its data in that format:

  • Tap on an app

  • Go to the view sidebar, below the app

  • Hover over Team view and click on + to create a new list view

  • Choose List and name this view

  • You can choose between the following view options by clicking on Team view at the bottom of the menu:

    • Private view - Only visible to you

    • Team view - Visible to all members (full access permission necessary)

  • Click the Create button and your new list will pop up in your view sidebar

Edit a list

If you would like to edit an existing view, tap a view and hover your mouse over the list name. Select the ... settings menu. From this menu, all changes are saved automatically:

  • Change the name of the view

  • Toggle back to other views such as Board or Table

  • Add a Split by that your view is split by the selected field value for an even better overview

  • Add a Status bar at the view to see the progress. As soon as saved hover over the view progress bar to get even more details such as 15 tasks are completed and 5 tasks are incomplete: (this feature is just available if the app has a status field)

    • For View - Accumulated progress of all splits

    • For splits - Displays the progress of each split only

    • For all - Shows both, the progress for the view and the progress for each split

    • Hide - Shows no progress bar in the view sidebar

  • Make the view as default

  • Change between a private or team view

  • Delete the view

Navigate between views

The view sidebar helps to navigate between views. Switch back and forth between views depending on your needs at the moment.

  • Select a view in the view sidebar

    • The selected view will be colored slightly blue

    • The name of the selected view is shown above the view sidebar

    • Tape automatically remembers the last selected view when you come back to the app

    • The selected view show all records to the right next to the view sidebar

  • Close the sidebar by clicking on the double arrow above the list

  • Reorganize via Drag & Drop the views

πŸ’‘ When you click on a Split by in a view, the app view shows exactly the records based on the split by - therefore, the split by could be considered as an additional view - to learn more about click here.

Records in list view

Open a record

Using a list, each row is a record, which can be opened to edit field values with a single click. Find out more about editing field values here.

App view hack for using list layout

You can click the values of the record fields directly in the list view; it will not open the record; instead, you will be redirected. This works for the following field types: Link field, Relationship field, Email, and Phone field. And make your CRM more powerful with a list layout.

Customize fields

It is possible to customize field types by adding new fields, editing existing fields, or rearranging them. Find out how to customize apps here.

Add records

There are two different ways to add a new record:

  • Click + New at the bottom of your list

  • Click the blue New button at the top right of the list

πŸ’‘ Note: One can pre-fill records with field values using a filter. In short, if a filter contains a particular operation, that field value will be prefilled when you add a new record.

Customize your list

The fields can be toggled on or off. Tap the Customize button at the top of the list and select the fields you wish to hide or show. You can change the display order in the list through Drag & Drop without changing the field order in the records as well.

πŸ’‘ Keeping fields hidden allows you to concentrate only on the information that is most useful.

App view features

Filter your list

Display only records depending on what you need, with the ability to filter out records according to conditions you set in your view. The condition of a filter is a rule you specified that the record must follow to see in that particular view. By adding conditions to your filter, a record can no longer be displayed in your view. In this case, the record is not deleted but only hidden from the respective view.

Click Filter at the top of your list and the filter menu will pop up:

  • Tap + Add filter and choose the conditions to filter out records within the view you are currently viewing:

    • A field to be evaluated, at the first dropdown menu

    • An operator at the second dropdown menu, i.e., Contains, Does not contain, Is not, etc.

    • A field value - enter the field value for the selected field from the first dropdown to be compared with all records in your view. Note that the operators "is empty" and "is not empty" do not require you to input a field value

  • Add multiple filters by clicking + Add filter

  • Remove filters by clicking the X icon next to the filter

πŸ’‘ Tip: You may want to consider creating a new app view for a filter if you recreate and delete the same filter repeatedly. These new app views will help you to navigate between the app views without re-creating the filter again and again.

Sort your list

You can arrange your list by the field values. For example, organize records according to their creation date, so the newest appear first.

Click Sort at the top of your list and the sort menu will pop up:

  • Tap + Add sort and choose the condition:

    • A field at the first dropdown menu

    • Sorting type select Ascending or Descending

  • Clear sorts by clicking the X icon next to them

Search your list

Your list can be searched for specific content:

  • Using the Search option at the top of your list, you can type the word(s) you are looking for in the records

  • As a result, you will only see records that fit those criteria in your list

Save your list

If you would like to maintain specific app views permanently, remember to click on Save next to the view name on the top left of your list, to either overwrite the old view or create a new view.

To learn more about other app view layouts, go to our table or board articles.

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