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Hierarchy structure in Tape
Hierarchy structure in Tape
Leo avatar
Written by Leo
Updated over a week ago

Tape's hierarchy structure is at the platforms core. Your team can easily manage actionable items using the hierarchy by breaking down work into organized levels.

Tape's hierarchy is structured through 4 levels:

  • One organization has at least one workspace

    • One workspace has at least one app

      • One app has

        • many records

An organization is the top level of the hierarchy structure. Connects all members and includes all your teams work. Choose best a team or organization name e.g. your company name "Acme Inc." Think of an organization in Tape as a home for all your work.

Workspaces bring together a specific group of people to collaborate on the same work. Allow your team to separate work and meet the needs of various teams. You can create workspaces and invite selected members. Workspace members have access to all the apps and records in that workspace. Many businesses use workspaces to separate departments within their organization or define collaboration through the content of the work. Might create a workspace with the name e.g. Project Management, Sales, Human Resources, a specific project name etc.

Databases in Tape are applications, called apps, that organize records. With an app you can design a specific function directly for the user. Each app is its own databases and has its own settings. Build an app by customizing fields. An app's structure will determine how records within it are structured. The name of an app is usually plural and the record name is singular, because several records are in one app. Use e.g. tasks for the app name and task for a record name or contacts for app and contact for record name.

A record is a single item in an app. Records are the lowest level and the most important part of the Tape hierarchy structure. Records are most used. The purpose of records is direct collaboration and creation of value through data.

View the hierarchy structure in Tape to make better use of it:

This example of Tape hierarchy structure:

  • One organization has 3 workspaces

    • workspace 1 has 4 apps

      • app 1 has

        • 5 records

Give each hierarchy level, organization, workspaces, apps and records your own individual names & icons

This example of Tape hierarchy structure:

  • Organization:

    • Acme Inc.

  • Workspaces:

    • Task Management

    • Contacts

    • Sales

    • OKR Tracking

    • Social Media

    • Human Ressources

  • Apps: (in workspace "Task Management")

    • Tasks

    • Projects

  • Records: (in App "Tasks")

    • Discuss new sketches

    • Mockup: Voting contest

    • Planning and preparing sales meeting agenda

    • Refresh company website

    • Send thank you notes and gifts

    • Update Sales Meetup

Add a new

Workspace: Tap on the + button at the left sidebar and choose one option:

  • New workspace = start from scratch

  • Choose from templates = Tape templates can be duplicated to create your own workspace. They can then be customized to your liking.

App: Tap the + button next to the last app in the row and choose one option:

  • New App = start from scratch

  • Choose from templates = Tape templates can be duplicated to create your own app. They can then be customized to your liking.

Record: There are several ways to create a record

  • At the app overview, tap on the blue button New

  • At every record, click at the drop down button on record title and choose New

  • With the Quick Add Button

  • At the table view:

  • At the list view:

  • At the board view:

Manage, create, edit or delete every hierarchy level

Organization: Click on the ... button on the top of the left sidebar

  • Activity count - free version of Tape

  • Organization settings

    • Organization profile

    • General setting: e.g. organization language, user name display, delete organization

    • Manage members

    • Billing

  • Invite people

Workspace: Click on the drop down button next to the workspace name

  • Workspace settings: Change workspace name and workspace icon

  • Edit description

  • Duplicate workspace

  • Leave workspace

  • Delete workspace

  • Share your work - click on the Share button at the top middle of your screen

    • With selected people

    • With all members of your organization

    • With the web

App: Click on the ... button next to the app name

  • App settings: Change app and record name or the app icon

  • Follow app

  • Customize fields

  • Duplicate app

  • Email to app

  • Delete app

Record: Click on the drop down button on every records title

  • New

  • Duplicate

  • Create template

  • Customize fields

  • Delete

Move apps and workspaces

Simply drag and drop an app or workspace anywhere you choose.

Learn more to build your own powerful apps and edit field values in records.

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