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Intro to workspaces
Leo avatar
Written by Leo
Updated over a week ago

Workspaces bring together a specific group of people to collaborate on the same work. Allow your team to separate work and meet the needs of various teams. You can create workspaces and invite selected members. Many businesses use workspaces to separate departments within their organization or define collaboration through the content of the work. Might create a workspace with the name e.g. Project Management, Sales, Human Resources, a specific project name etc.


Create a new workspace

Every organization should have at least one workspace. To add a new workspace, follow these steps:

  • Click the the + button to the right of the label Workspaces in your left sidebar

  • Give your workspace a name. This is a necessary requirement

  • Customize your workspace with a description and icon

  • Decide who can access your workspace. You have four workspace access settings to choose from:

    • Default: Everyone at your organization must be a member

    • Open: Anyone can see and join this workspace

    • Closed: Anyone can see this workspace but not join

    • Private: Only members can see that this workspace exists

  • Click Create workspace

Add members to a workspace

  • Beside the workspace name in your left sidebar, click the ••• button and then Add members

  • A menu will pop up. Type an email, name of a member or group in the text box, and choose whether to add them as Workspce admimor Workspce member

    • Workspace admin: will have full access to workspace content and can edit workspace settings

    • Workspace member will have access to workspace content but cannot edit workspace settings

  • Click the button Invite

Add or move Apps to a workspace

To add a new app to a workspace

  • Hover over the workspace name in your left sidebar

  • Click the + button to add a new app

  • Choose creating from templates, import or blank app

To move an existing app to a workspace:

  • Go to the app

  • Click, hold, and drag to move the app within the workspace

Change workspace settings

Every workspace has its own settings

  • Hover over the workspace name in your left sidebar

  • Click the ••• button next to the workspace name

  • Click Workspace settings

A menu will pop up with three tabs: General, Members, and Security. Next, we will provide explanations for all the options in each tab.


Manage general workspace settings within the first tab. There are four sections:


  • Click on the icon to change it. You can select an icon, emoji, or upload your own image.

  • Give your workspace a different name

  • Change the workspace description

  • Click Update to save the changes


  • Select Tab bar or Sidebar to customize how you navigate between apps in this workspace


  • The currently set permission is displayed.

Danger zone

  • Leave workspace to remove this workspace from your sidebar

  • Delete workspace this will delete permanently this workspace for all members. This cannot be undone.


In the second tab you can modify permissions and manage members of this workspace


With three sections:

  1. At the top the general workspace permission level. With four options:

    • Default: Everyone at your organization must be a member

    • Open: Anyone can see and join this workspace

    • Closed: Anyone can see this workspace but not join

    • Private: Only members can see that this workspace exists

  2. Under that, split by each role

    • Workspace admins

    • Workspace members

    • Everyone else

  3. Share to web

    • No access

    • Can view

    • Can view and duplicate

💡 Note: select default you’d like to add every member of your organization as workspace members, all at once select.


Manage the memberships of the workspace.

  • Click Add members to search for workspace members or groups via name or email, then add them to the workspace.

  • Current workspace members and groups will be listed in this tab. Their role will be shown to the right of their name:

    • Workspace admin

    • Workspace member

    • Custom permissions

  • Teamspace owners can click any member or group’s role to change it.

Learn more about Sharing & permissions →


At the third tab, you can manage security settings for this workspace. Within two sections:

Workspace security

  • Specify who can invite workspace member:

    • Only workspace admins

    • Any workspace member

    • The permission level of the workspace affects this setting. For example, if the default option is selected, all members of the workspace can invite other members to join.

  • Specify who can edit workspace apps? Adding, removing, or re-ordering apps

    • Only workspace admins

    • Any workspace member

Content security

These will automatically inherit from the workspace’s security settings — only teamspace owners who are also workspace owners will be able to modify them to make their teamspace settings more permissive than the workspace level settings.

  • Disable public page sharing: Don't let members publish pages in this teamspace to the web.

  • Disable guests: Don't let pages in this teamspace be shared with people who don't belong to your workspace.

  • Disable export: Don't let members export pages in this teamspace.

Browse existing workspaces of your organization

To see all existing teamspaces in your workspace:

  • In your left sidebar, click All teamspaces.

  • At the top, you’ll see teamspaces that you are a part of.

  • Below that, you’ll see all open and closed teamspaces in the workspace.

    • Open teamspaces can be joined directly from this menu.

    • Closed teamspaces are designated by a lock symbol. You’ll need to contact an existing member of the teamspace to invite you — you can see a list of all teamspace members by clicking the ••• symbol.

Leave a workspace

To leave a workspace that you are a member of:

  • Hover over the workspace name in your sidebar.

  • Click the ••• button and then choose the Leave workspace option.

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